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Care Tips

Have you wondered what the symptoms are of the coronavirus? You’re not alone! It seems COVID-19 is all we’ve heard about for the last three months each time you turn on the TV or listen to the news. It’s important to know what to look for, who is more vulnerable, and w...
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It can be a tough decision to move an aging parent into your home, but once the decision is made, there are some things you can do to make the process as easy as possible. Here are some tips to help you plan for the big move.Assess the Way They Currently LiveYou may not noti...
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Did you know that Bingo has been recognized not only as a great pastime for the elderly, but also a great way to sharpen memory and thinking skills? It’s true! There are lots of positive benefits to playing Bingo on a regular basis—let’s look at a few!InclusivityIt mak...
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As seniors grow older, you may notice increasing problems with balance. This increases the risk of falling, which can have terrible consequences. Their bones are more fragile and falling can easily mean a broken hip. The good news? There are many exercises that are simple an...
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Alzheimer’s disease and dementia affect not just the patient, but the entire family. The Grove Players of Downers Grove explore this reality in “Too Much, Too Much, Too Many,” playing at the Lincoln Center, 935 Maple Ave. in Downers Grove, Feb. 16-18 and 23-25.“Too M...
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Did you know that stroke is now one of the leading causes of death in the US, coming in at number five? It’s estimated that nearly a million people will have a stroke this year. But here’s the good news: up to 80% of all strokes are preventable! The National Stroke Assoc...
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Parkinson’s Disease changes everything for a person. Taking care of someone with the disease can be difficult and stressful. This article will give you some helpful tips for coping with the caretaking skills required to help the loved one stay as independent as possible fo...
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Have you ever noticed that people who suffer from Alzheimer’s often repeat things?Short-term memory loss is one of the most challenging symptoms of mental impairment such as Alzheimer’s Disease of dementia. Rest assured that no senior will want to aggravate you by repeat...
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