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Senior Care

It matters not how long we live but how. Philip James BaileyThis is a simple statement but an inspirational one. After all, in my experience as the owner of Home Helpers® Kankakee & Frankfort, I have engaged seniors of all types, many of whom strive to remain active and oth...
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The father of a caregiver I know died nearly 20 years ago as a result of kidney disease and failure. He had commuted to another city an hour from his home for dialysis three times per week for almost a year before he died. Ironically, he succumbed to the disease only two days be...
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Have you wondered what the symptoms are of the coronavirus? You’re not alone! It seems COVID-19 is all we’ve heard about for the last three months each time you turn on the TV or listen to the news. It’s important to know what to look for, who is more vulnerable, and what ...
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These are scary times, but as with any type of pandemic, knowledge is power. How do you cope with COVID-19 as a senior? We have some tips for you that will leave you empowered and encouraged, so keep reading!Everyone needs social time with loved ones, yet it seems that is exactl...
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How to Protect Yourself from CoronavirusOf people who are at risk, seniors and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease are at the highest level of vulnerability to the virus. This higher risk is mainly due to compromised immune system...
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Although dementia is most commonly diagnosed in seniors, it can also happen to middle-aged people, as well as those who have suffered a brain injury. Many people still go on to live long lives after diagnosis, so it’s important to understand the condition and how you can treat...
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Are you one of the millions of Americans who think that tumbles and falls are just par for the course in older adults? The truth is, falling can be devastating for seniors and should be prevented at all costs. It’s not normal to fall and no matter how old you are, there are th...
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It is never easy to have a conversation with a senior loved one that has to do with giving up the keys to the car for good. After all, driving represents independence and freedom for most people, so it can be really difficult to know when the time is right to ask your loved one ...
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Your heart is where your life is! A healthy heart beats between 60-90 beats per minute and that may slow down a little as we age. That means your heart could eat more than 140,000 times each day! It’s crazy to think that the organ we depend on for the very breath of life is th...
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Everyone loves to share memories, but there’s something extra special about sharing and talking about memories made many years back. For seniors who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, memories are especially special because the disease robs them of the ability to h...
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These days it seems that robocalls are just a part of daily life that we have to contend with. While it might seem easy to you and I to read through the calls and emails that are obvious scams, it’s not always so easy for seniors. They may not deal with technology enough to re...
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“Holiday blues” among seniors is very real and should be handled carefully. Older adults often have emotional, mental, and physical needs not taken into account during the holidays, and it can be a difficult time for them. While there are several things that can influence th...
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It can be a tough decision to move an aging parent into your home, but once the decision is made, there are some things you can do to make the process as easy as possible. Here are some tips to help you plan for the big move.Assess the Way They Currently LiveYou may not not...
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It can be a bit more challenging to help a patient with Alzheimer’s continue to enjoy things they once enjoyed before this life-altering diagnosis. After all, we all need a sense of community and fellowship with friends in order to maintain a sense of well-being and peace. Whi...
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Seniors often have a difficult time during the holiday season, but especially when it comes to New Year’s Eve. There are always fun activities and parties as we bring in the new year, and your senior loved ones may feel a bit down when they can’t party as the once did. The g...
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We all want to live long and healthy lives! As adults, we desire to do all we can to help our parents age well and gracefully. This may be going along beautifully until a health crisis or some other stressful event happens. What to do next? How do we give our aging parents the c...
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Anyone who has become a caretaker for aging parents knows that as they age, they can become stubborn. Whether it’s dementia setting in, medications, or just a loss of control, seniors can become obstinate as they age and that can present its own special set of challenges for t...
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All of us get anxious from time to time, no matter how old we are. But for seniors, anxiety can be harder to cope with as they age. If you have an older loved one who is struggling to get through normal daily tasks due to anxiety, it’s time to speak to a doctor and get a plan ...
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Moving is stressful when everything goes right! Moving aging parents from the home they have known for years can come with many extra challenges. Not only are you downsizing, but you are also helping them go through memories, special items, etc. For seniors who have been in thei...
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It’s a lost art to embrace the aging process with grace and poise. The truth is, we go through many difficult changes as we grow older, and many of us see a decline in our health as we age, simply because we don’t know how to deal with all the changes of aging in a healthy w...
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“Aging in place” is a term that has become more and more frequent these days. As people age, most prefer to do it in the comfort of their own home and familiar surroundings. Thankfully, most people will be able to do just that if they desire, although it takes a little ...
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If you’re fortunate enough to have your own father in your life as a senior or are a caregiver for a senior dad, there are lots of ways to make their Father’s Day fun and special! Let’s look at some great ideas…Try Bowling. Bowling is fun, no matter how old you are!...
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If you’ve ever been a caretaker for a senior family member, you already know how difficult it can be. The toll it can take emotionally and physically can be daunting if you aren’t prepared. Let’s look at some of the most common issues associated with being a full-time care...
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If you are a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, you already know that it can be difficult for them to appropriately express anger. So, what to do when that anger seems to be spewed at you? Read on.What is the Root of the Anger?It’s not uncommon f...
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Did you know that heart disease kills more people than any other condition in the United States? While there can be genetic risk factors that increase your odds of developing heart disease, most often it is brought on by lifestyle choices that can be corrected. With one in four ...
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Just the thought of a senior loved one developing Alzheimer’s or dementia can be frightening. We have pretty much been told nowadays that Alzheimer’s reduces people down to nothing more than a shell of what they used to be. Family and caretakers often feel they have to just ...
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Did you know that over 50 million adults in the United States suffer from arthritis? Older adults and seniors are among the hardest hit, and as the weather gets colder, pain from arthritis increases and natural ways to combat this disease are sought after.There are many prescrip...
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Christmas has passed and now 2019 is upon us! This means more parties and more celebrating for most of us. However, if you have a senior loved one, late night parties aren’t exactly an easy thing to endure. New Year’s Eve often includes staying up late and partying hard, but...
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Holiday time can be tough for many of us, especially seniors. There are a variety of reasons that make this a difficult time for many people. Seniors often feel anxious about needing assistance or being a burden. They may fear they won’t hear well and can’t enjoy the convers...
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Holidays can be a crazy for time for many of us, especially if you are hosting family members. Perhaps you remember everyone gathering at your parents’ house when you were growing up, and now the mantle of responsibility falls on you—how do you prepare for hosting elderly re...
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It’s that time of the year where family and turkeys converge. The big Thanksgiving get-together is traditionally a time to share a meal, gratitude for the good things in our lives, and just good fellowship with those we love. Many of us are mindful of our diets, including seni...
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One of the most stressful situations you will ever face is making critical decisions for someone you love. It is very natural to feel strongly about your opinion and feel angry or threatened when others disagree. This stress can easily be compounded when those who disagree with ...
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Did you know that drinking caffeine can lower the risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? For many years it has been thought that consuming caffeine has a negative impact on one’s health, but in recent years it’s now becoming clear that drinking coffee in moderate amounts is indeed ...
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The seniors who make it to the age of 75 or 85, or even 100 have triumphed and survived many threats to their physical and emotional health. Through these events, they have become much wiser and possess a maturity that only comes with age.Depression, worthlessness, and anxiety a...
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Everyone knows that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Whether you are a young mom or a senior family member, the kitchen is where we gather to chat while fixing dinner, enjoy a morning cup of joe in solitude, read the paper, or even go through paperwork. Seniors will tell yo...
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Did you know that seniors need regular exercise, just like the rest of us? It’s true! And one of the most enjoyable forms of exercise is yoga. Read on to learn more about the benefits of yoga for seniors!Yoga helps keep you limber, flexible and calm. Seniors who struggle with ...
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All of us need close friends, no matter how old we are! Life can be tough and there’s no better way to face the challenges it brings than having a group of friends you can count on and even gain wisdom from. This is certainly true for seniors as well, and possibly even more im...
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What does sundowning mean?Alzheimer’s Disease has a component that might be familiar for caretakers and their loved ones—it’s called sundowning, and it’s the increased level of confusion that tends to happen in the later part of the day. If you’re caring for someo...
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For seniors all over the country, their main desire as they grow older is to stay in their homes for as long as they possibly can. Their independence is incredibly valuable to them, so it’s important to know the signs to look for that may indicate they might need some extra he...
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Many things can cause falls in Seniors and none of them are fun. The good news is that with a few tips and preventative actions, you can help the senior in your life to avoid becoming injured from a fall.Creating a Fall-Proof Home EnvironmentMost falls are caused by simple slips...
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It is a difficult task to have conversations with your parents that center around the aging process. Perhaps you’re picking up on subtle signs that your aging parents are beginning to need more assistance in everyday activities, or certain things are being neglected more than ...
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As a society, we have never been more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet to preserve our health and live longer. This is also true of seniors today! Just like children have certain dietary needs, seniors and older adults do too. Our bodies and meta...
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Ice, snow and other winter weather is difficult for everyone, but when you are a caregiver it can take even more challenges. Doctor’s appointments, social activities, church, grocery store runs….all of this can be far more difficult in the winter months.Remaining indoors all...
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We’ve all heard the phrase, "bored to death". All of us need to feel purposeful in life, and seniors are no exception. While boredom makes most people lethargic, it can have even greater consequences for seniors. Even to the point of being life-threatening.Seniors often strugg...
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All of us get cold in the winter, but seniors are even more prone to being unable to warm up easily during those cold months. Most of us grew up with our mothers warning us we would get sick if we’re cold, but this is especially true with elderly people. They really can get da...
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Let’s face it—all of us want to live well and age well. It all starts with creating healthy habits that will last a lifetime. But even if you’re late in creating healthy routines, it’s never too late to start! Here are some ways to boost your energy and feel great as a s...
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As we age, routine tasks become more difficult. For many seniors, good personal hygiene can be especially challenging and may require some assistance. If you notice it becoming a problem, it’s best to address the issue right away to avoid potential health problems that can dev...
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One of the difficult parts of pet ownership is knowing when to let go. If your senior parent has a pet, they are most likely very attached. The emotional bond between seniors and their pets can be a very powerful one, so navigating this subject can be tricky.If you feel the pet ...
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Home care is the preferred option for most seniors today. After all, who doesn’t want to remain in their homes as they age? While some do just fine maintaining a good quality of life in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, most older adults want to remain in their home...
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Gone are the days where doctors and family alike expected senior citizens to just sit around in a rocking chair all day, in between taking naps. Today’s seniors are more active and productive than ever, as the life expectancy continues to increase. Medical research has proven ...
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Heat stroke can be deadly in seniors. As the summer heats up, so does the risk for heat stroke. It is a potentially fatal condition and can happen before they realize they are in the danger zone. As we age, out bodies become less responsive to heat, so it’s important that seni...
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Did you know that a fourth of people who are retirement age report symptoms of depression? Studies show that when our elderly population visits their doctor for routine physical concerns, the issue of depression often comes up. When depression goes untreated, it can cause the ph...
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Anyone who has been part of the work force can attest to the careful planning that goes into accident prevention. It’s in the company’s best interest to keep their employees safe and free of hazards as much as possible. As we age, it’s natural to take extra precautions at ...
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One of the most dreaded moments a family can face is receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. It can be really difficult to navigate the many challenges between initial diagnosis and the end of life. All too often, families try to handle it all on their own, only to discover that...
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