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If you are feeling a bit guilty when it comes to taking care of your older loved ones, you are not alone. Negative emotions are quite common as you walk the caregiving process, and it’s important to know what to do with those emotions as they come up.On top of feeling nega...
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It’s stressful enough being a caregiver for an aging parent, but when you are also in the “sandwich generation,” things can be even harder. The sandwich generation refers to adults caring for senior parents as well as children young enough to still be in the home. The ...
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Being a caregiver is a demanding job and one that requires a lot from you, both psychologically and emotionally. It can be draining but also very rewarding. In order to prevent burnout, you need to learn how to take care of yourself as you are taking care of your loved one. ...
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How do you handle the stress that comes with being a full-time caregiver for seniors?Anyone who has ever been in a caregiving role for senior adults knows that it can be very rewarding, yet very stressful. The stress that comes along with that “round-the-clock” availabil...
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For nursing homes and retirement facilities, there’s nothing more valuable than high-quality help. While many businesses need qualified and reliable help, no industry needs it quite like that of caring for the elderly. Being a caregiver for the elderly has so many rewards,...
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If you are a caregiver to an elderly loved one, it’s very important that you learn to take care of yourself as well as your patient. You must learn how to prevent yourself from facing burnout and exhaustion to avoid a new set of health problems yourself. So why is it so ha...
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Caregivers undergo a lot of stress: it is unpredictable, the workload can be immense and dealing with the individual, the family and your own personal needs can feel like the world is collapsing around you. Whether you’re a professional or just someone who needs to take ca...
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