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Care Tips

How to Protect Yourself from CoronavirusOf people who are at risk, seniors and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease are at the highest level of vulnerability to the virus. This higher risk is mainly due to compromised immune system...
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These are scary times, but as with any type of pandemic, knowledge is power. How do you cope with COVID-19 as a senior? We have some tips for you that will leave you empowered and encouraged, so keep reading!Everyone needs social time with loved ones, yet it seems that is exactl...
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For seniors all over the country, their main desire as they grow older is to stay in their homes for as long as they possibly can. Their independence is incredibly valuable to them, so it’s important to know the signs to look for that may indicate they might need some extra he...
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Deciding who will have Power of Attorney can affect family dynamics for years to come. That person will oversee major decisions, both medical and financial. Even if your parents plan ahead while they are fit and healthy, it can still cause problems in the family dynamic if not h...
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A newborn’s homecoming is often preceded by a frenzy of childproofing. However, caregivers often do not see to seniorproofing the home until after a scare or injury occurs. Or they are not sure how to go about making the home a safe environment for aging loved ones, especially...
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Elementary, My Dear WatsonAt some time, you will find yourself wanting to keep abreast of changes in your elderly parents’ health and well-being. This will require a bit of subtle sleuthing and a lot of observation on your part. You might feel a bit like Sneaky Pete, but it’...
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