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Senior Care: Take Charge of Your Health

Senior Care in Milton GA

Even though the senior in your life may need some extra care at the moment, you may feel overwhelmed trying to help him. A person who begins to lose the ability to take care of himself, is experiencing less strength and even balance problems, could also be dealing with depression and other emotional challenges.

It’s possible that the senior has begun to give up on life, especially taking care of his own health and well-being. After all, for somebody who sees the end of his life fast approaching, is experiencing health problems, diminished strength, and has to give up many activities he used to enjoy, taking care of his health might not seem like a priority any longer.

World Health Day is April 7th – a reminder that people of all ages are essentially in charge of their own health and well-being, regardless of the challenges they face at the moment. There are millions of people across the world who experience some incredible challenges with regard to their health, physical abilities, and other aspects of their life. These people overcome those challenges and accomplish some amazing things.

The same can be true about your elderly loved one. The first priority should be taking control of his health and well-being. When his health begins to improve, he will likely see opportunities to become more active and more engaged in his community, with his friends, or doing things that are of great interest to him.

How to take charge of one’s health.

Begin with the diet. The type of foods a person eats can have a direct impact on his or her physical health and well-being. For example, a person who eats nothing but junk food all day is likely going to become overweight, lethargic, and extremely fatigued. On the contrary, somebody who eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, exercises on a regular basis, and gets plenty of vitamins and nutrients is going to feel more energized, more active, and more positive in life.

Education is an important component. People who simply don’t have access to the right information regarding the foods they should eat, the types of exercises they can do, and even activities that are available to them may have a tendency to not even look for them.

Family members can provide a great support system for these seniors by helping them understand the foods they can eat that would be beneficial, the types of exercises that could help them boost their strength and stamina, and to encourage them to get out and get involved in their community, with their friends, with their church, or anything else that seems to interest them.

For families who don’t feel equipped to provide that level of support, sit down and talk to the elderly loved one about senior home services.

Picture of Home Helpers of North Atlanta owners, Hilary and Greg Eldridge

About the authors, Hilary and Greg Eldridge, owners of Home Helpers Home Care of North Atlanta.

Greg and Hilary Eldridge have been the owners and operators of Home Helpers Home Care of North Atlanta since 2012. After having personal experience with loved ones needing in-home care services, they were inspired to become a part of the Home Helpers Home Care team. Hilary has been a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) since 2013 from the Society of Certified Senior Advisors, and Greg is a Certified Senior Advisor. Learn more about our owners and team here!
