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Kay Jurica - 2018 Home Helpers Spirit of Adam Brown Award Winner

2018 National Conference - Home Helpers Spirit of Adam Brown Award Winner!

It was a truly special moment at the National Conference last May when this year’s Home Helpers Spirit of Adam Brown Award was handed out.

First, Adams’ widow, Michelle Brown, was in attendance and came up to the stage to help make the presentation. Making the moment even more memorable was the reaction of the winner, who was extremely honored to be given this esteemed achievement.

Adam Brown was the type of owner who personified all the best in a Home Helpers owner, including a commitment to providing exceptional care while growing his business, making significant achievements, and contributing to the system in various ways to make it stronger. His untimely passing left a void in our ownership group. This award is given each year in his honor to keep his memory alive.

This year’s recipient, Kay Jurica, is adamant that she will never compromise on providing exceptional care to her clients. Like Adam, she exemplifies everything you’d want in a representative of Home Helpers.

Kay is always encouraging her neighboring owners and is the first to call when another owner is going through a crisis. She is active as a member of the Communications Council and extremely active in her Growth Group in Illinois. Kay is able to deftly form, embrace, and execute a measurable business plan.

Intense and driven, Kay established a goal to build an operation that can run without her daily input. She’s done well in that regard, reducing her hours by 40%. Her FBC, Bob Blizzard, calls Kay an honest, demanding, and a fair owner whose main priority is providing top-notch care to her clients.

Kay’s reaction upon receiving the award will not be soon forgotten, which perfectly illustrates both how much she was deserving of it and how much Adam Brown’s memory and influence is still treasured by those who knew him. If you speak with Kay, be sure to congratulate her on this achievement!

We're Here to Help

You have an
urgent situation

You need support you can trust immediately.

We will
come to you

With our FREE In-Home Care Assessment and Home Safety Assessment we can help you through this tough time in the comfort of your own home.

You have a loved one who is in declining health

You want to keep them in their beloved home, but need to know their needs are being cared for.

We'll help you with a plan

With our Cared-4program, we create a customized plan specific to your loved one's needs.

Intro to In-Home Care Intro to In-Home Care
You need additional

You have been providing care, but need additional help who can care for your loved one with the same passion that you do.


Our Caregivers are trained and insured. We'll be part of your family, help with the day, and celebrate your loved one.

Our Caregivers Our Caregivers

Steps to Care

  1. 1.
    Initial Call Once we’ve received your information, we will have a detailed call to gather more information on the care situation, answer any pressing concerns, and set up a time to meet in person.
  2. 2.
    In-home Care Assessment Here we will answer all your questions, and ask some of our own to craft a Cared-4Customized Care Plan to your unique needs.
  3. 3.
    Start of Care We will come with our Caregiver on the first day of care to go through the Care Plan together and help with introductions.
  4. 4.
    Client Visits Once we have begun care, we will pop in at times our Caregiver is there to see how things are going and determine if we need to adjust the Care Plan.