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Tips for Getting Your Elderly Loved One to Accept Your Help

Do you really want to help your elderly loved one? Every time you try, do they seem to shut you down? This can be very frustrating. However, at the same time, it is important to remember that your elderly loved one is likely trying to preserve their dignity and pride. With this being said, one of the best things to do to get your elderly loved one to accept help is to understand why they are resisting.

Out of Habit

One of the reasons why your elderly loved one might be declining your help is out of habit. They might be so used to taking care of themselves and doing things on their own, they find it hard to accept help. If this seems to be the case, then have a few talks with your loved one. Let them know that you don’t want to take anything away from them. You aren’t trying to take over everything. Ask them what they are willing to let you help with?

Due to Their Pride

Your elderly loved one might be resisting your help because of their pride. If they start asking for or accepting help, it means they are admitting they can’t do things on their own. They are admitting they have a mental or physical health issue they can’t take care of on their own. This can be difficult for your elderly loved one to admit. Talk with them and let them know that you don’t want them to feel bad. Let them know they are still strong and independent. Explain that you don’t think any differently of them because they need some extra help.

Privacy Matters

Many elderly people don’t want to ask for or accept help because of their privacy. For instance, if your elderly loved one now needs help in the shower or bath, they may not want help. They likely don’t want a family member looking at them when they don’t have clothes on. If this makes your elderly loved one feel uncomfortable, they might feel better having caregivers help them instead.

The Cost

Did you offer to hire caregivers to assist your elderly loved one? Did they resist or say no to the help? It might be due to the cost. Your elderly loved one might be feeling financially stressed out. They might not feel that the extra help is a necessary cost. If this is the case, talk to your elderly loved one about finding affordable help. Let them know that there are programs that often help with caregivers and the services they provide.


These are some of the reasons why your elderly loved one might be resisting help. However, if you talk to your loved one and understand what is going on, they might be more willing to open up. They might be willing to receive the extra help from you or from professional caregivers.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring caregivers in Sunnyvale, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Helpers today (408) 317-4969.
